Goku says Hi to the Monkey

Goku says Hi to the Monkey

Goku says Hi to the Monkey - In these Images, we see Little Goku saying Hi to a Baby monkey who is hanging holding his mother's hand most probably. The two monkeys are on a tree. Goku is passing by them using a giant round wood piece as a wheel and rolling it by walking on it. Then he suddenly notices the Monkey family and says Hi to them. By the way, Goku is also carrying that huge Knife this time too. So, let's see how Goku says Hi to the Monkey.

Goku says Hi to the Monkey Thumbnail

Goku says Hi to the Monkey
Goku says Hi to the MonkeyGoku says Hi to the Monkey

Goku says Hi to the Monkey
Goku says Hi to the MonkeyGoku says Hi to the Monkey

Goku says Hi to the Monkey
Goku says Hi to the MonkeyGoku says Hi to the Monkey

Goku says Hi to the Monkey
Goku says Hi to the MonkeyGoku says Hi to the Monkey


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